If any business or non profit would like to be listed in a student directory for students seeking Agricultural related volunteer or intern working hours East Windsor, Enfield, Suffield areas please dm me. Suffield Regional Agriscience Students would like to know what businesses or community groups need their help for next school year.   

Please just message me at vgalin12@icloud.com  with a contact person in your establishment and what type of work you need done. Students can then contact you by next school year to begin.

This experience will be used in their academic portion of the Agriscience program.

Some examples of work for their Agricultural projects or Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE ) would be planning, designing, planting, and maintaining gardens, working with youth starting and completing an agricultural project , Agricultural technology projects, Agricultural planning and impact in the restaurant industry, Agricultural planning on working farms in their communities, Agricultural experiences in the animal training, grooming, and veterinarian care industries, Agriculture in medicine and nutrition, development of fabrics, fibers, and materials that are anti microbial for sterile environments and building materials, etc.

Agriculture touches our lives in numerous ways therefore helping students find the businesses and groups that incorporate agriculture in their daily operations is helpful to the students as they design their SAE projects. Thank you!