This year unfortunately due to the pandemic we are unable to have our annual Torchlight Parade down Main Street and Carol Sing at the firehouse, we have decided to decorate a few trucks and make an attempt at a townwide parade over two evenings. The parade will start at 6pm both nights starting from the firehouse at 125 Main Street, Broad Brook.
We are going to attempt to hit most if not all streets on our side of town. We will unfortunately miss some houses and some portions of streets due to the turns and zigs and zags we need to make. Below is a street list of our routes. Night one will be Saturday December 19th and the second night will be Sunday December 20th.
We hope to see most of you during our travels, Santa will be along for the ride. We wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas Holiday and will any luck we will be back to the normal routine next year 2021 with our parade down Main Street and singing Christmas Carols at the firehouse with hot chocolate and snacks!