Today’s Update (4/15): New Video Update/ New Data/ Unemployment Update/ No-Cost Life Insurance for Front-Line Healthcare Workers

Check out my new video update. 

Since yesterday’s update, an additional 766 positive COVID-19 cases have been reported in Connecticut, bringing the statewide total to 14,755, and an overall total of 21 confirmed cases in East Windsor and a total of 15 confirmed cases in Ellington. There have been a total of 2 COVID-19 associated deaths of East Windsor residents and 4 associated deaths of Ellington residents since the beginning of the outbreak.

To date, more than 50,143 patients have been tested in Connecticut (+4,302 since yesterday). Approximately 1,908 are currently hospitalized (+129 since yesterday). The total statewide total number of COVID-19 associated fatalities is 868 (+197 since yesterday). The Governor’s Office notes that the day-to-day changes reflect newly reported cases, deaths, and tests that occurred over the last several days to week.

For today’s data set, please visit:


A new software improvement at the Connecticut Department of Labor was launched last night that will hopefully significantly increase the speed at which unemployment claim applications can be processed. Paired with the continued manual processing, the originally anticipated six-week wait period is now projected by CTDOL to be shortened to one week or less.

Additional federal stimulus benefits, including $600 in additional weekly unemployment payments, will begin April 24 according to the CTDOL.

The Department of Labor also expects to begin accepting claim applications for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance – the federal program that provides benefits for self-employed individuals and independent contractors – by April 30.


Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais today announced that front-line health care workers in Connecticut and Massachusetts may soon be eligible to receive up to $25,000 of life insurance at no cost.

Eligible individuals must be employed at a licensed hospital, urgent care center, or with an emergency medical services provider in Connecticut or Massachusetts and have exposure to COVID-19 patients. In addition to doctors and nurses, lab technicians, custodial staff, maintenance crews, cafeteria workers, and security personnel will also be considered for coverage.

More details and enrollment information is available at:

For more information on the state’s coronavirus response, please visit

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